I've had to take a short break from leveling Sango this week due to reduced play time. Since I don't have further updates to my ongoing review of Joana's Horde Leveling Guide, I thought I'd share a few tips on getting the most out of the guide.
1. Leverage Your Rested Experience. If you're using the guide like I am, to get the most out of your limited play time, make sure you always park your character at an Inn or City to gain rested experience. Try to play to a cutoff point in the guide that ends with you hearthing or going to a city to get the greatest benefit.
2. Don't ALT-TAB to read the guide! If you have dual monitors set up, then by all means, read the guide on your second screen. If you don't, then print out the section(s) you're working on from the PDF. If you really need to see a video on the quest, then tab over to the HTML version and check it out. You won't need anything but the steps in the guide, however, if you follow the next two tips.
3. Get a map mod that reveals your map. I'm using a mod called Metamap. There are two advantages to this approach: First, most map mods let you see your X,Y coordinates and find coordinates on the map by moving your cursor over it. That's what all the numbers in parenthesis are in the guide that look like this: Go to (41,75). The second advantage is obvious: Your new character won't have the map uncovered yet.
4. Get a mod called Lightheaded. This mod lets you see the wowhead.com entries for your quests in the quest window. It's simply a database of the quest summary info from wowhead and the user's comments. This saves you from having to tab out to go to a database site to look up quests you're unfamiliar with. It's a HUGE TIMESAVER.
5. As an alternative to printing the PDF, you can also get a notepad mod that lets you type in it while in game. All you need to do is highlight the text for your next steps and then use the Windows copy function (control + c), then in game, put your cursor in your notes mod and hit control-v to paste the text.
Now, get out there and level!
Horde: Joana's Horde Leveling Guide
Alliance: Brian Kopp's Alliance Leveling Guide