Joana sends Sango back to the safety of the Barrens for a couple of easy levels.
I finally got a chance to sit down and run Sango through another section of the guide today. Although today's entry involves a little stupid death at the hands of the Razormane, fortunately there were no ganking distractions (that should be coming up in the next section, however).
This section of the guide promised to get me from level 22-23, but I managed to hit 24 by the end. So, no complaints there. I could have probably skipped a little bit of content if I found it too annoying or difficult, so classes who aren't quite as strong at soloing should take note.
The quests for this section were pretty straightforward. Hit Camp T and head South. Do quests. Do a quest you pick up down there. Head back up to turn in. Pretty basic stuff. I think a bit more direction at some points in the guide would be nice, though. I don't mind the barebones format at all, since I know where most of this stuff is anyway, but you get a lot of instructions formatted like this:
Get quests W, X, Y, and Z in Town.
Go do quest W at (44, 63)*
While you're there, do X, Y and Z.
Head to NPC A and pick up quest B. Do it.
Of course, it would be nice if the guide gave a location for quests X, Y, and Z if they're pretty far from quest W, or if nearby a simple "head East." Same with the last part where it tells you to go find a new quest in the general area. Now, frequently, the guide does give you those nudges. But it frequently relies on either you clicking on the link to the database entry on the quest, or prior knowledge. It's pretty easy to just check the web for the quest, but it'd be nice not to have to tab out of game if you get confused.
*The number set in parenthesis is a set of map coordinates. There are several UI mods that will show you your current coordinates and the coordinates your cursor is on as you move it over the world map. I'll be covering these in a follow up post.
Total time played to 24: 1 day 7 hrs 54 mins
Time played 22-24: 3 hrs 19 mins
(That splits pretty evenly between the two levels too. Just over 1.5 hrs per)