I finally got a chance to run a Heroic mode instance. I haven't done one up until now for lack of finding a guild group on my PVE server. Fortunately, my PVP server guild have all dinged 70, so we've started hitting heroics.
This will be a very short guide, because frankly, Heroic Underbog doesn't rate any lengthy explanations.
Our group make up was as follows: Arms Warrior (Tank), Feral Druid (DPS/tank), Holy Paladin (offhealer, DPS...no, really), Holy/Disc Priest (Main Healer), and a Rogue (DPS). Everyone has decent, but not amazing gear. Everyone has good enough gear to start Karazhan, without being dead weight, but without being maxed out for pre-Raid gear either.
An ideal group would replace one healer with a mage or other DPS with good CC. You don't really need two healers for this run, but it's perfectly doable with a lower DPS group.
We had the Warrior tank all the bosses since my Druid has slightly better DPS. This worked fine with only 3 pts in Tactical Mastery in Prot on the Warrior.
Underbog is a pretty easy Heroic. The trash pulls are all the same as in the normal mode, but the mobs are level 70-71. We used minimal CC on the trash pulls. Just Sap and some Hibernation. The only thing you have to remember is to separate the healers in the shambler groups and the groups before Gha'zan, so you can beat down the rest of the group. For the larger pulls, we just used two tanks, with the DPS on my druid's guys first, so I could go kitty and help dps down the warrior's adds when they were done.
The only tough trash pulls were the Underbog Lords. The trick with these guys is that they're all "RAWR! Hulk smash puny adventurers! The madder Hulk gets, the stronger Hulk gets!" So, it's good to have high DPS for these guys. We didn't have huge DPS, but the bear/healer combo was good enough.
Hungrafen: Pretty much the same tactics as on Normal mode, except that he spams the mushrooms like crazy. You just have to clear a bit more trash (more rep!) before his ramp, and kite him down the ramp instead of run circles up top. The two Bog Lords before him were harder. I tanked both on my druid, and we got one down. Then we ran back and killed the other one. I think with a higher DPS group, a decently-geared bear tank could handle both.
The loot: Girdle of Living Flame. Sharded. Seems like a decent Elemental Shaman belt though.
Gha'zan: Again, same tactics as in normal mode. Even with our DPS being a little low, he went down fast. Our tank brought him off the platform and put her back against the wall at the bottom of the ramp leading up to him. This worked perfectly for positioning him. You'll see warnings about avoiding his tail, as per normal, but it's worth mentioning that rogues and druids can dps from the rear. Remember, the rear arc is a 180 degree arc, so you can be on the side of his hit box and still back stab/shred by standing a little off center to the rear.
The Loot: Dunewind Sash. Went to our Rogue.
Swamplord Musel'ek: Again, identical tactics to normal fight. I pulled the Swamplord back down the hall a bit, and killed him with the rogue and pally while the warrior offtanked Claw with the priest healing. Then we killed Claw. Pretty straightforward fight.
The Loot: Armwraps of Disdain. Our Rogue scored again! Lambent Chrysoprase, went to our Priest.
The Black Stalker: Ah, end boss! Loot piƱata! The biggest difference here is that he spawns a bunch of Mini-Me's. Ignore them and DPS him down fast. We tried using Warrior and Priest fear cycling, but they're immune to fear.
The Loot: Primal Nether, went to our Warrior to upgrade her mace. Barkchip Boots, went to my Druid. Demonfang Ritual Helm, went to the Priest. Endbringer, went to the Pally.
Overall, a really easy, quick run. Some nice loot and four Badges of Justice. I highly recommend Underbog if you're looking for an easy "starter" heroic. Everything does hit harder, especially the Underbog Lords, but overall difficulty isn't any worse than the normal level 70 wings of other dungeons. The tactics are simple enough that you could probably get run it with a PUG with a reasonable chance of success.