My Big List of WoW Links is now online.
I originally created this list to put up some information for casual gamers, and the occasional humor or opinion post. However, the lens format doesn't allow for projects such as a big list of WoW links to be easily indexed. So, I've created a Squidoo lens with a nice fat list of WoW links for anyone to bookmark, so that they have a good resource to check when searching for information.
The links found on the List are all vetted by me for minimal quality standards. I have linked sites which have further links within them, in order to avoid clutter. This is especially notable on the Warrior and Paladin sections, which point to a couple of very nice link compilations from the official WoW forums. So, get in there, dig around, and if you like it, bookmark it. (That's my ulterior motive: a big back up for my WoW bookmarks.)
The List will be a constant work in progress, so if you don't see a link there that you think should be, you should click the contact link on that page to send me an email, so I can check it out.