In this installment, Sango gets hopelessly lost in Stonetalon, but Joana's guide still delivers the promised levels.
I'm beginning to think that my play habits aren't doing justice to Joana's Guide. As before, I wasted a TON of time on this section of the guide. Sango, apparently, has inherited my sense of direction and short attention span.
Things started off well. I headed up to Stonetalon, picked up some quests, and worked my way up towards Sunrock Retreat. Then the first distraction got me, a level 30-40ish Dwarf Hunter with a stupid name bushwhacked me while I was killing three spiders. That's fine. That's part of life on a PVP server, keeps you on your toes and all that. Of course, the other part of life on a PVP server is sweet, sweet revenge, and failing that, reprisal against the other faction in general.
Long story short, I got on my 70 Druid, and two other level 20 alts that were ambushed hopped on their high levels, and we beat the bushes in Stonetalon looking for this guy. He must've logged, because as our dragnet expanded, we didn't manage to capture him. Well. No problem. We headed over to Ashenvale and razed Astranaar a few times, taking out any lowbies we spotted along the way. Although it got old after about the fourth or fifth sweep of NPC murder and mayhem, I did end up wasting a good part of the night just goofing off. So, when I got back to Sango, I was starting to get sleepy.
Apparently, the allies in the zone were all in bed when I logged back to Sango, so I had no more PVP issues, but I did manage to get into a cave and get killed by mobs in a spot where I couldn't res safely. Since I had to get to the back of the cave for a quest, I ressed and death ran in further, then did it again. Then spirit ressed and ran back to where I was supposed to head to after doing the cave quest. Then waited for res sickness to wear off before hitting the final few quests of the night. So, there you have it, the model of modern leveling efficiency!
I also headed over to do some of my Succubus quest chain, and my next session will begin with that rather than Joana's guide, so this will take a chunk of time off as well.
Total time played to 21: 1 day 1 hour 15 mins
Time played 20-21: 2 hrs 33 mins